vinegar (ACV) may help promote weight loss by stabilizing your blood sugar
levels and suppressing your appetite. To reap the weight loss benefits of apple
cider vinegar, try taking 1-2 teaspoons in a glass of water before each meal.
But do not rely solely on ACV to help you lose weight; it works better when you
accompany it with diet and exercise.
2. AID IN DIGESTION: Promoting a
healthy digestive system is one of ACV’s most popular claims to fame. If you suffer from chronic acid reflux, ACD
can clear it up if taken regularly before each meal.
3. CLEAR SKIN: Don’t spend money on
pricey topical astringents for acne prone skin when you can take ACV every day. You can also have a detoxifying bath that
will draw out toxins, begin cleansing your system, and clear up your skin; add
a cup of ACV and a cup of Epsom salts to a hot bath and relax.
4. REMOVE WARTS: Instead of going to
the doctors to have a wart removed you can soak a cotton ball with ACV and
attach it to the wart and cover it with a bandage. Leave the bandage on overnight and continue
this process until the wart is gone.
5. BOOST IMMUNITY: ACV is a blend of
vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that help ward off common colds. ACV also contains antimicrobial and
antiseptic properties so take a swig of this natural cold remedy and you will
be feeling better in no-time.
6. BEAUTIFUL HAIR: Over time our
hair gathers build up from styling products and deep-conditioning
treatments. To remove this build up
dilute 1/3 cup of ACV in 4 cups of water and pour over your hair after
shampooing. Leave it in for about 15
seconds before rinsing your hair. Make
sure to rinse your hair with cold water so you seal the hair shaft and create
more shine. Please note that because ACV
is acidic you should not use this hair treatment daily. And don’t worry; your hair won’t smell like
vinegar, the smell will go away when your hair dries.
*Make sure you purchase organic and
unfiltered apple cider vinegar so you receive all of the vitamins*
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