Friday, December 28, 2012

Study Smarter

Just a few weeks ago I graduated with a BBA in marketing!  So today I am going to share with you my BEST study tips and suggestions that I have picked up over the years that helped me graduate with honors.  In high school I definitely didn’t get the best grades but as I continued my college education my grades got better and better and it felt AWESOME!  I believe that my educational success came from time and learning how to study smarter.  Not all of these tips will work for everyone because every brain is different.  So don’t get frustrated if some of these tips don’t work for you, just move on and try something else but DO NOT GIVE UP!


1)  Set an academic goal that is realistic and achievable and put it where you can see it every single day when you wake up. Ex. “I belong on the Dean’s List!” and put it on your mirror.

2)  Print the outlines or notes ahead of time.  If you are lucky enough to have a professor that puts their lectures online beforehand take advantage of it!! Print them out and review them the day before class.

3)  Stay ahead of the syllabus.  Even though you may have a night that is low on homework and studying you should review upcoming chapters so you have an idea of what your professor is talking about when you go to class next.

4) Use highlighters and sticky notes!  Pick out one or two of your favorite color highlighters that catch your attention and outline the most important sections in your notes and textbooks.  Use the sticky notes to mark your pages and to write any questions/comments that you may have when reading the material.

5) Set daily goals for studying and completing assignments.  If you can put it down in writing you will be more committed to doing it.  It may seem silly but it really does work.

6) When you were in high school the problems at the end of the chapter were mandatory and now that you’re in college they are optional.  It may seem nice but it is a trap!  Do the problems at the end of the chapter!  They are a great way to practice the material and if you have questions about them you can ask your professor, plus many professors use these problems on quizzes and exams.

7)  Use a planner!  Go through each and every syllabus and mark the dates of every single assignment, quiz, project, and exam.  Then write a warning note a few days before each deadline so you will never miss a beat and will always have your work completed on-time.

8) When it comes to studying for a big exam start a week before the actual exam.  Begin by skimming through the chapters.  Then if you weren’t handed a study guide, create your own.  After you have hand written your study guide type it out.  Finally, if you love flashcards go to and study there!  This site lets you create flashcards and play games to help you remember important material and you can share your set of flashcards with your classmates.

9)  Find your quiet place.  If you know that you get NOTHING done when sitting in your dorm or apartment then hit the library where it is quiet and your brain goes into more of a study mode.  If you get rid of distractions it makes studying a whole lot more productive.

10) Take care of yourself.  Studying for hours on end will only burn you out.  Take short walks and stretch a little bit to help get your blood flowing, eat a healthy snack (an apple with peanut butter), or grab a cup of green tea.  Whatever you do try and stay away from addicting social media sites (FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.).

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